When the natural project practices demanding for various scenarios of planning exercises, it becomes relevant to be able to show the current plan and some secondary baseline as a reference.

In order to activate this parameter in the current Layout, it is first necessary to have created the previous baseline, (secondary). In this sense, Menu Project> Mantain Baselines:

Once the baselines are created, there is a control window that designates the role that will be played in the project (s) currently opened.

Then up to 3 user baseline reference parameters can be set, which can be used to store and display information. It
should be noted that the selection "project baseline" refers to the baseline that the project will use for percentage calculations (thus by default).

It is recommended to use the primary baseline for the current one, and the following ones for other scenarios.

Then we can access the menu View> Bars, and adjust the Gantt Chart display options to show the current baseline (Current BL) and the other scenario. (Old BL)

Here we can configure that the primary baseline is displayed, and also mark "display" for the second BL and third BL. 

The shape and color can be adjusted so that they do not overlap in case of overlap.

Finally changes are saved in the layout and can be shown in the layout

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